ON March 20, 2021
Central Power Purchasing Agency (Guarantee) Ltd. (CPPA) is the Market Operator of Pakistan’s Electricity Market. Currently, CPPA as mandated by the Government of Pakistan is working on the market reforms that will lead to transition from the existing single-buyer market to the competitive electricity wholesale market regime.
For getting assistance on the market design, development and implementation from international consultancy firms specialized in competitive electricity markets, CPPA has recently published a Request for Proposal (RFP) in local and international newspapers for hiring of an International Consultant for Development & Implementation of Wholesale Market in Pakistan. The copy of the published advertisement and the aforementioned RFP is attached herewith for ready reference and the complete package is available at CPPA website.
APEx being the hub of international power markets aimed to help CPPA in reaching a wider range of consultants through its extended network of electricity market professionals. Potential companies are encouraged to participate in the bidding process. Moreover, the members are also requested to share the RFP in their professional circle for a greater exposure.